raphaelmazor: Brad and the Vincent Thomas Bridge
raphaelmazor: Brad 'neath the bridge
raphaelmazor: A boatload of cargopants
raphaelmazor: Brad and Rafi on the boat
raphaelmazor: Alternative maritime power
raphaelmazor: Lighthouse on San Pedro breakwater
raphaelmazor: Avalon bay and blackened casino
raphaelmazor: Catalina ground squirrel, Spermophilus beechey nesioticus
raphaelmazor: Closeup of Genista linifolia
raphaelmazor: Modified dry creek channel in Avalon
raphaelmazor: Blue dicks with genista in the back
raphaelmazor: Acorn woodpecker on palm tree_0035
raphaelmazor: Acorn woodpecker on palm tree--nesting hole_0037
raphaelmazor: Acorn woodpecker, looking up_0040
raphaelmazor: Brad and his woodpecker friend
raphaelmazor: Quercus sp_0047
raphaelmazor: Unknown_0051
raphaelmazor: Is this catalina ironwood_0057
raphaelmazor: Rattlesnakes_0059
raphaelmazor: Two snuggling tadpoles
raphaelmazor: Catalina mariposa lily, Calochortus catalinae_0074
raphaelmazor: Mimulus aurantiacus_0079
raphaelmazor: Galium sp need id_0080
raphaelmazor: Brad on Lone Tree trail
raphaelmazor: Lupine and ocean view
raphaelmazor: Brad hiking up trail_0083
raphaelmazor: Island poppy, Eschscholzia ramosa
raphaelmazor: Brad and Rafi above Avalon_0085
raphaelmazor: Welcom to the Catalina Island Conservancy
raphaelmazor: Fly on blue dicks_0093