raphaelmazor: Me hiking Clevenger Canyon_0001
raphaelmazor: Goldfields along road, citrus and avocado orchards
raphaelmazor: Sceloporus orcutti - Granite Spiny Lizard
raphaelmazor: Fleabane and fly
raphaelmazor: Sphinx moth
raphaelmazor: Spinx moth
raphaelmazor: Closeup of golden eardrops--Ehrendorferia chrysantha
raphaelmazor: Unknown asteracae with chia
raphaelmazor: Butterfly_0022
raphaelmazor: Meloid madness
raphaelmazor: Todd and Yucca1
raphaelmazor: White blue dicks
raphaelmazor: San Pasqual Valley
raphaelmazor: Me, Todd, and Raven
raphaelmazor: Me and Todd and the San Pasquale Valley
raphaelmazor: Crazy bug on aster
raphaelmazor: Fatty side-blotched lizard
raphaelmazor: Fence lizard (Scleoporus occidentalis longipes)
raphaelmazor: Sceloporus orcutti - Granite Spiny Lizard_0078
raphaelmazor: Unk red berries
raphaelmazor: Lomatium seeds
raphaelmazor: Chloragalum_0087
raphaelmazor: Chorizanthe sp.
raphaelmazor: Unk lizard_0095
raphaelmazor: Rafi at the crest
raphaelmazor: Todd on the crest
raphaelmazor: The other side of Clevenger Canyon
raphaelmazor: Todd and Rafi
raphaelmazor: We be hikin'
raphaelmazor: Red diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber), with tongue