raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest_8844
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest_8846
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest_8857
raphaelmazor: What change? WTF CALI!
raphaelmazor: Your rights will be next
raphaelmazor: Today Chickens, Tomorrow Gays
raphaelmazor: The State is not a Theocracy
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest_8865
raphaelmazor: Magnus
raphaelmazor: Stop the Mormons, No on 8
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest_8872
raphaelmazor: Equality 4some, WTF CA
raphaelmazor: Two Angry Faggots
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 protest_8876
raphaelmazor: Boycott Mormon-Owned Businesses
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest-Arrest_8882
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest-Arrest_8884
raphaelmazor: Prop 8 Protest-Arrest_8885
raphaelmazor: RickLoomis4_LATimes
raphaelmazor: BarbaraDavidson2_LATimes
raphaelmazor: RickLoomis5_LATimes
raphaelmazor: RickLoomis2_LATimes
raphaelmazor: RickLoomis3_LATimes
raphaelmazor: RickLoomis_LATimes
raphaelmazor: BarbaraDavidson_LATimes
raphaelmazor: You Can't Hide Your Hate_Long Beach_Page_2
raphaelmazor: You Can't Hide Your Hate_Long Beach_Page_1
raphaelmazor: Long Beach No on 8 rally_8887
raphaelmazor: Long Beach No on 8 rally_8888
raphaelmazor: Long Beach No on 8 rally_CONREV giving out condoms_8889