raphaelmazor: Lizard_0001
raphaelmazor: Sicklepod rockcress, Arabis sparsiflora
raphaelmazor: Treacherous trails
raphaelmazor: Todd on trail
raphaelmazor: Flat-top pines
raphaelmazor: San Gabriel Linanthus!
raphaelmazor: San Gabriel Linanthus!
raphaelmazor: Unknown yellow flowers_6441
raphaelmazor: Yet another lizard
raphaelmazor: Flowing water on mount williamson
raphaelmazor: Todd by the creek_0012
raphaelmazor: Flowing water on P-mode
raphaelmazor: Flowing water on S-mode
raphaelmazor: Todd near the creek
raphaelmazor: Closeup of falling water
raphaelmazor: Closeup of falling water S
raphaelmazor: Not sure if this is Y. whipplei
raphaelmazor: yucca flowers
raphaelmazor: Todd and Cercocarpus
raphaelmazor: Little gray squirrel
raphaelmazor: Budding liliaceae
raphaelmazor: Snowy crags on the Angeles Crest
raphaelmazor: Wallflower--Erysimum capitatum_with San Gabriel watershed
raphaelmazor: Wallflower--Erysimum capitatum
raphaelmazor: View down the San Gabriel watershed
raphaelmazor: Hairy woodpecker--Picoides villosus
raphaelmazor: Snowy trekking
raphaelmazor: Taking a breather
raphaelmazor: Brand new infection
raphaelmazor: Avalanche victims