raphaelmazor: Fields of poppies--Frying-pan poppies
raphaelmazor: Butter 'n eggs, Triphysaria erianthia ssp. erianthia
raphaelmazor: Purple snakeroot, Sanicula bipinnatifida
raphaelmazor: Winter vetch, Vicia villosa ssp. villosa
raphaelmazor: Fiddleneck, Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia
raphaelmazor: Fiddleneck flowers, Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia
raphaelmazor: Towering spokepods, Thysanocarpus radians
raphaelmazor: Sea of spokepods
raphaelmazor: Raptor pellet
raphaelmazor: Grassland, rotten hay, and clouds
raphaelmazor: More me at Mather
raphaelmazor: More spokepods
raphaelmazor: Frying-pan poppy, Eschscholzia lobbii
raphaelmazor: Sheep sorrel, Rumex acetocella
raphaelmazor: Vernal pool spike rushes
raphaelmazor: Vernal pool at Mather Field
raphaelmazor: Spokepod for scale
raphaelmazor: Spokepod, Thysanocarpus radians
raphaelmazor: Single blue dicks
raphaelmazor: Me at Mather Field
raphaelmazor: Mather Field
raphaelmazor: Maybe not blue dicks
raphaelmazor: Butter 'n eggs 'n popcorn flowers
raphaelmazor: A stripe of parasitic butter and eggs
raphaelmazor: I think it's pale spike-rush, Eleocharis macrostachya
raphaelmazor: A pool in a vernal swale is like a vernal pool, but it's something different
raphaelmazor: Fremont's tidy-tips, Layia fremontii
raphaelmazor: Clouds reflected in vernal pool
raphaelmazor: Mather Field vernal pool
raphaelmazor: A pool without water is still a pool