raphaelmazor: Poppies and lupines_0033
raphaelmazor: Poppies and lupines_0037
raphaelmazor: Poppies_0038
raphaelmazor: Poppies_0039
raphaelmazor: Poppies_0041
raphaelmazor: Poppies_0042
raphaelmazor: Oxalis in burned riparian area_0044
raphaelmazor: Poppies_0046
raphaelmazor: Poppies and lupines_0048
raphaelmazor: Roadside lupine_0050
raphaelmazor: Road botanizing_0051
raphaelmazor: Wee white flowers_0052
raphaelmazor: Dodecatheon clevelandii_0054
raphaelmazor: Patch of shooting stars_0055
raphaelmazor: Burned car and poppies_0058
raphaelmazor: Calandrinia
raphaelmazor: IDing_0061
raphaelmazor: No tresspass stealing shooting
raphaelmazor: Raptor roost
raphaelmazor: Anna's hummingbird_0071
raphaelmazor: Anna's hummingbird_0085
raphaelmazor: Delighted to find the native Oxalis
raphaelmazor: View north of Otay Wilderness_0093
raphaelmazor: Mountain misery_0094
raphaelmazor: View southeast of Otay_0095
raphaelmazor: View south of Otay_0096
raphaelmazor: Target practice_0097
raphaelmazor: Anna's hummingbird polinating chaparral pea
raphaelmazor: Calandrinia sp.
raphaelmazor: Calandrinia with fly