raphaelmazor: Isidor with 3 brothers and sister Anna in New York
raphaelmazor: Possibly A Younger Michael D
raphaelmazor: Michael and David Dushman
raphaelmazor: Isidor as a young officer in the czar's army
raphaelmazor: Rose and Isidor Dushman
raphaelmazor: Sid and Bea - 1912
raphaelmazor: The Dushmans
raphaelmazor: Tsar's family - with text
raphaelmazor: Writing on back of mystery photo from Paris
raphaelmazor: Ya'acov Lev and Isidor Dushman
raphaelmazor: Basia Dushman - circa 1900
raphaelmazor: Bassia Dushman
raphaelmazor: Bea, Sid and Jerry with 2 cousins
raphaelmazor: Ben and Sara Dushman
raphaelmazor: David and Rose
raphaelmazor: Isidor and friends in the Russian army - circa 1900
raphaelmazor: Miriam at MIT - 1963
raphaelmazor: 1980-05 Rachel and Rafi