raphaelmazor: Angelo 8_29_05 083
raphaelmazor: Scorpion with babies
raphaelmazor: Scorpion
raphaelmazor: habitat restoration sign
raphaelmazor: Ricardo&Elizabethsampling Miner's
raphaelmazor: ghostpine_cone_minersravine
raphaelmazor: Yoshi_rollins2
raphaelmazor: Rafi's group sampling
raphaelmazor: Rafi&Yoshi_rollins
raphaelmazor: ponderosa class
raphaelmazor: Elizabeth&Ricardo_sampling
raphaelmazor: DSCN0980
raphaelmazor: The group on a rock
raphaelmazor: DSCN0985
raphaelmazor: Ryanyoshi&Jasmin_sampling boreal
raphaelmazor: Examining salamander specimens
raphaelmazor: Eric steph and rocio compare specimens
raphaelmazor: DSC01150
raphaelmazor: becky with alligator lizard
raphaelmazor: rocio yoshi and esme look for sallies
raphaelmazor: jessie with scorpion
raphaelmazor: yoshi rocio and ricky look at frog
raphaelmazor: yoshi rocio esme and jasmine look at frog
raphaelmazor: rocio yoshi esme and jasmine look at frog2
raphaelmazor: yoshi rocio esme and jasmine look at frog 3
raphaelmazor: ricky catches newt
raphaelmazor: ricky yoshi and ms robinson catch newts
raphaelmazor: California newt
raphaelmazor: ricky and jesse weigh a newt
raphaelmazor: jesse measures water temp