raphaelmazor: Pacific treefrog
raphaelmazor: Ensatina escholtzii oregonensis - Lynn canyon
raphaelmazor: axolotl eggs
raphaelmazor: Black-bellied salamander
raphaelmazor: Hatchling axolotl
raphaelmazor: Hatchling axolotl
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina, juvenile
raphaelmazor: Large-blotched ensatina
raphaelmazor: Yellow-eyed ensatina
raphaelmazor: Examining salamander specimens
raphaelmazor: Eric steph and rocio compare specimens
raphaelmazor: yoshi rocio esme and jasmine look at frog
raphaelmazor: yoshi rocio esme and jasmine look at frog 3
raphaelmazor: ricky catches newt
raphaelmazor: ricky yoshi and ms robinson catch newts
raphaelmazor: California newt
raphaelmazor: ricky and jesse weigh a newt
raphaelmazor: yosh and newt
raphaelmazor: bryan with newt
raphaelmazor: Hyla regilla
raphaelmazor: froggie close up