raphaelmazor: scenic drive 02
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 04 - sharon luba and leo
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 06 - self portrait
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 07 - Mt Wilson observatory
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 08 - dripping sap
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 09 - view from mt wilson
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 10 -view of observatory
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 11 - leo and luba
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 12 - me
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 13 - Me and luba
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 14 - leo getting a view
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 15 - view
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 16 -Leo and convertible
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 17 - sun behind clouds
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 18
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 19
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 20
raphaelmazor: scenic drive 22 - Leo and Luba appreciating view