Raphael Paolo: IMGP2144
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2148
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2155
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2158
Raphael Paolo: Some Tourists...
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2165
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2167
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2170
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2179
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2180
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2181
Raphael Paolo: Definitely no need for those
Raphael Paolo: Tina & Chicharron
Raphael Paolo: Chicharron 1
Raphael Paolo: Chicharron 2
Raphael Paolo: Jugo Frescas... soo necessary
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2206
Raphael Paolo: Playa Del Carmen off of 30th
Raphael Paolo: Playa Del Carmen is more family oriented it seems
Raphael Paolo: This hotel looks neat
Raphael Paolo: Near Cocina 38 in Playa Del Carmen
Raphael Paolo: Piola's in Playa Del Carmen
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2230
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2244
Raphael Paolo: Red Alert Birds Wake You Up EVERY Morning at 5am
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2255
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2274
Raphael Paolo: The heat and soul of Valladolid is the park
Raphael Paolo: IMGP2284
Raphael Paolo: Nom nom, churros.