bhaskarroo: Coastal protection Main wharf Apia
bhaskarroo: Approaching Fakaofo Atoll
bhaskarroo: Pristine blue water
bhaskarroo: Pretty islet Fakaofo atoll
bhaskarroo: Leaving the island
bhaskarroo: Jetty
bhaskarroo: Aggies grey's
bhaskarroo: Apia central
bhaskarroo: view of samoa from offshore
bhaskarroo: Three little pigs and friends
bhaskarroo: Impresive church stucture Nukunonu
bhaskarroo: Jumping off the Lady Naomi onto barge
bhaskarroo: Fruit of pandanus palm
bhaskarroo: Steinlager bottles a plenty awaiting shipment
bhaskarroo: Coastal scene Nukunou
bhaskarroo: Wading ashore Nukunonu
bhaskarroo: the can collection
bhaskarroo: IMG_0849