ranti.junus: Italian delight? MSU Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Italian delight? MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Sydney Opera House. MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Egypt. MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Inca/Peru. MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Inca/Peru. MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Detail on Inca/Peru. MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: The invitation- MSU Museum Chocolate Party Contestant
ranti.junus: Things I chose - MSU Museum Chocolate Party
ranti.junus: Box of chocolate from @MSUMuseum chocolate party
ranti.junus: Chocolate Cabinet of Curiosity - Mother Nature
ranti.junus: Chocolate Cabinet of Curiosity - on science
ranti.junus: Chocolate Cabinet of Curiosity - everyday objects
ranti.junus: Chocolate Cabinet of Curiosity - (I have no idea what this represents, but it's the coolest ever.)
ranti.junus: Rivalry poster - what 1918 said about 1919 class (taken at the MSU Museum Chocolate Party)
ranti.junus: edible pudgy bears #nom (taken at MSU Museum Chocolate Party)
ranti.junus: truffles