rantropolis: Canadian Solitude, 120 format.
rantropolis: Vacant Office in Northern Ontario. 120 format film.
rantropolis: Train Graveyard. 120 format (Explored at 7:30)
rantropolis: Ready for the weekend (Explored)
rantropolis: Velvet Green (selfie on film)
rantropolis: Abandoned Houses in Gary Indiana (shot on film)
rantropolis: Abandoned power plant, shot on film
rantropolis: Two winters ago (on film)
rantropolis: Chris and fresh boards (on film)
rantropolis: Church on film
rantropolis: Abandoned Ski Resort on film (120 format)
rantropolis: the Abandoned Roaring 20s on film (Explored 14:30)
rantropolis: Abandoned TTC (shot on film)
rantropolis: Toronto during covid (shot on film)
rantropolis: Toronto Spring, shot on film
rantropolis: Banff and Snow Mountain, shot on film
rantropolis: Spring Dusk, shot on film
rantropolis: Spring of Toronto
rantropolis: Spring of Toronto
rantropolis: Spring of Toronto