Tim Rankin: Gordy, Cabezon de Oro
Tim Rankin: Chulilla Gordy warming up on Danos colaterales 7b+!
Tim Rankin: Chulilla gorge view
Tim Rankin: Beautiful place
Tim Rankin: the only rest!
Tim Rankin: La diagonal great 6c
Tim Rankin: Gordy on Diagonal
Tim Rankin: Sex Shop and Pared de Enfrente
Tim Rankin: one of the newish 7a+ on Chorreros probably the best route i did!
Tim Rankin: Superb tufa climbing
Tim Rankin: Gordy taking a strenuous rest on the onsight attempt on El Bufa
Tim Rankin: El Bufa a stunning route
Tim Rankin: Me in the rest
Tim Rankin: Me red pointing El Bufa
Tim Rankin: Chulilla view of upper gorge
Tim Rankin: View from appartment
Tim Rankin: suspension over the upper gorge
Tim Rankin: Russ high on Top of the Rocks maybe the best of the &a's we did?
Tim Rankin: The old master breaking him self in gently on the Oasis slabs
Tim Rankin: Dave on Top of the Rock
Tim Rankin: Me high on Xevo 7a
Tim Rankin: Russ on the superb Los franceses 7b+
Tim Rankin: View up the lower gorge
Tim Rankin: Russ turning the top roof on Los franceses
Tim Rankin: Its pretty steep!
Tim Rankin: Superb tufa finish
Tim Rankin: A hidden gem one of the best routes I did La minga mandula 6c
Tim Rankin: Neil enjoying the old school routes of Tio Jose!