Tim Rankin:
Marcus and James enjoying fine conditions at Cammachmore
Tim Rankin:
Marcus OP SDS
Tim Rankin:
Tim Rankin:
Short men can stretch!
Tim Rankin:
Ninja hug
Tim Rankin:
Marcus styling the top
Tim Rankin:
Ninja Skills........OP SDS in the bag
Tim Rankin:
Delirium clashfarquar
Tim Rankin:
The Crux of Delirium 8a+
Tim Rankin:
Devistator 8a, Cammachmore
Tim Rankin:
Backdoor Wall future classic!
Tim Rankin:
Were I failed on the link!
Tim Rankin:
The crux Dark Eye 7c Harbour Wall
Tim Rankin:
Starting out Dark Eye
Tim Rankin:
harbour wall bouldering topo
Tim Rankin:
The End boulder, Deeside Blocs AKA Craig Corn Arn,
Tim Rankin:
The start of Dark eye a superb 7m roof problem!
Tim Rankin:
Yet to be repeated Dark Eye 7c at Harbour wall, Newtonhil
Tim Rankin:
Brilliant Cut 7a+/7b new classic at Clash!
Tim Rankin:
Fancy foot work!
Tim Rankin:
The Move!
Tim Rankin:
Piotr emerging from the cave
Tim Rankin:
an interesting sequence
Tim Rankin:
Piotr working another cave classic
Tim Rankin:
Piotr coming out the left exit to the roof