Tim Rankin: Makinodromo, El Chorro
Tim Rankin: Wils lowering off Lourdes after nailing it
Tim Rankin: Lourdes, Wils starting his successful red point
Tim Rankin: Wils on Lourdes
Tim Rankin: Wils in the rest on Lourdes
Tim Rankin: Some flash Spanish bloke onsighting Lourdes
Tim Rankin: my first 7b+ onsight, Maquina pestosa, Desplomlindia
Tim Rankin: Wils crusing his red point of Connecting people 7b+, Desplomilandia
Tim Rankin: Connecting People 7b when I flashed it now given 7b+ result!!!
Tim Rankin: Classic shot of the Gorge, El Chorro
Tim Rankin: Resting already he just left the ground! obviously were I am going wrong
Tim Rankin: Robbie on the top wall of one of the outrageous amount of 8b+ he did in 2 weeks!
Tim Rankin: Another Tim enjoying Sella finest
Tim Rankin: A wee day out in Spain
Tim Rankin: Great wall visible from Cabezon. Routes?
Tim Rankin: Great tuffas and big routes, Cabezon De Or
Tim Rankin: Tom Russell on Dragoste 7a+
Tim Rankin: Veiw from Cabezon
Tim Rankin: Tom S trying Dragoste a superb 7a+ at Cabezon De Or and ollie on Usoara 6b+ in the back ground
Tim Rankin: Me in cave rest on Farrear y corbardes a wild 7b at El Bovedon
Tim Rankin: Tom Russell trying the classic Abradacabra 7c+, El Bovendon
Tim Rankin: View from the appartment! Stunning
Tim Rankin: Looking down the impressive Wild Side crag
Tim Rankin: Team Transition working Propiedad 7b+
Tim Rankin: Ollie trying the moves on Watermark 8a
Tim Rankin: Tom R at the top of Propiedad privada 7b+
Tim Rankin: The no hands rest