RangerRick: the fireplace
RangerRick: Christmas tree
RangerRick: bears on the stairs
RangerRick: more decorations on the stairs
RangerRick: table setting
RangerRick: decorations
RangerRick: Logan and the wizard
RangerRick: Logan and the wizard
RangerRick: Stephanie is a reindeer
RangerRick: Mike and Jon wearing their cracker crowns
RangerRick: Christmas lunch
RangerRick: hockey snowmen
RangerRick: Logan opening a gift
RangerRick: Mike is taking video for posterity
RangerRick: Stephanie opens a gift
RangerRick: Lysa got a slow cooker book
RangerRick: Rice Krispies treats for Mike
RangerRick: Nita shows her photo book to Logan
RangerRick: Jon opens a gift while Logan plays with a new toy
RangerRick: origami cash :)
RangerRick: Anna gets a scarf
RangerRick: Logan got "My Little Library"
RangerRick: Cameron got a Harry Potter book
RangerRick: a gift card for Lysa
RangerRick: Mike got a multi-charger
RangerRick: Nita got some jewelry
RangerRick: Jon got some chocolates
RangerRick: Anna opening a gift
RangerRick: Stephanie's antlers kept collecting more detritus
RangerRick: Logan opening another gift