Ranford Stealth: What it's all about - on red
Ranford Stealth: chrome 'n' leather
Ranford Stealth: Heavy Metal Thunder
Ranford Stealth: I like smoke and lightning
Ranford Stealth: Fire all of your guns at once
Ranford Stealth: Candyapple red forever
Ranford Stealth: Hog heaven
Ranford Stealth: Dear Santa...
Ranford Stealth: Vintage Motorcycle Club Of Western Australia Rally
Ranford Stealth: Red Hogs
Ranford Stealth: What great-grandfather rode!
Ranford Stealth: The glory of Ancient Chrome
Ranford Stealth: Moreton Bay Fig Trio
Ranford Stealth: Suiting up
Ranford Stealth: Control Central
Ranford Stealth: Henderson?
Ranford Stealth: Old Harleys never die
Ranford Stealth: Still going strong
Ranford Stealth: The Green & Gold
Ranford Stealth: Not quite the age of steam, but...
Ranford Stealth: BSA bokeh
Ranford Stealth: Clean me
Ranford Stealth: Circle the wagons!
Ranford Stealth: G.I. Joe