randylane: Pringles duck 2
randylane: Climbing to Hakona
randylane: Weird sculpture in the Hakone Open Air Musuem
randylane: Beautiful scenerey
randylane: Two sculptures
randylane: This is weird
randylane: So tall
randylane: Weird statue
randylane: Again
randylane: Again again
randylane: Typhoon's coming
randylane: Cloudy figures
randylane: Naked lady statue
randylane: Bow statue
randylane: Archer view 2
randylane: Archer view 3
randylane: Me mimicing the face in the water
randylane: Face in the water
randylane: Face reflected in the water.
randylane: Face
randylane: Cloudy statues
randylane: Colorful diamonds
randylane: Cloudy garden
randylane: Sculpture
randylane: Shify poles
randylane: It's made of people!
randylane: Road to a swollen noggin'
randylane: I think this naked dude looks like my friend Lee
randylane: Not sure where he fell from
randylane: Fallen dude 2