randylane: A shot of the gate from the house
randylane: The stairs
randylane: Master bedroom (my room)
randylane: Closet
randylane: Closet in the smaller rooms
randylane: Other upstairs rooms
randylane: A shot of the two smaller upstairs rooms from the doorways
randylane: Bath tub
randylane: Sink
randylane: Where the washer goes and the sink
randylane: The jungle outside the downstair Tatami room window
randylane: Yeah, they're going to fix this before I move in
randylane: The Tatami/Living room
randylane: The toliet
randylane: Dining room and door the front hallway
randylane: Kitchen
randylane: The yard (yes, I have a yard in Japan)
randylane: The house from outside and the Realtor, Jack