randylane: Lee and Stevens 2
randylane: Joel, Jessica and Ashleigh
randylane: Jeremy and JulieAnna Dancing
randylane: Jeremy and JulieAnna
randylane: Talley
randylane: A group
randylane: Talley and Leslie
randylane: Nicole 2
randylane: Nick and Rosalin
randylane: Me and Rosalin Dancing
randylane: Jessica and Ashleigh
randylane: Talley and Nick
randylane: Picking Up the Bottle
randylane: Nick and Nicole
randylane: Nick and Me
randylane: Me and Nick
randylane: Nick, Ashleigh, and Jessica
randylane: Kyoko
randylane: Nick and Kyoko
randylane: Crazy Japanese Girl Dancing
randylane: Joel
randylane: Talley, Lane, Vargas
randylane: My Room before
randylane: Nick
randylane: Ros and Me Good Pic
randylane: Party Hats
randylane: Ros and Me Party Hats
randylane: Party Hats 2
randylane: IMG_2532.JPG
randylane: The Hallway 2