Randall Knox: Giant Tortoises, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Lava Lizard, South Plaza Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Land Iguana, South Plaza Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Land Iguana, South Plaza Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Giant Tortoises, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Fireball at El Trapiche Ecologico, Bellavista, Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Giant Tortoise, Rancho Manzanillo Tortoise Preserve, Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Male Blue-Footed Booby Strutting, Floreana Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Blue-Footed Booby with Chick, Floreana Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Male Blue-Footed Booby Strutting, Floreana Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Baby Galápagos Sea Lion, Champion Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Sally Lightfoot Crab, Champion Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Chilean Flamingo, Flamingo Lagoon, Punta Cormorant, Floreana Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Red-Footed Booby, Genovesa Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Brown Pelican, Chinese Hat Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Great Blue Heron, Chinese Hat, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Common Noddy Terns, Santiago Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: The National Geographic Islander, Chinese Hat Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Penguin, Bartolomé Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Magnificent Frigatebird, Genovesa Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Swallow-tailed Gull, Genovesa Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Greater Flamingos, Flamingo Lagoon, Punta Cormorant, Floreana Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Prickly Pear Cactus, Champion Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Sally Lightfoot Crab, Champion Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Sea Lions, Santa Fé Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Marine Iguana, Española Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Sea Lion, Española Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Sea Lion, San Cristobal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Galápagos Mockingbird, Española Island, Galápagos, Ecuador
Randall Knox: Marine Iguana, Española Island, Galápagos, Ecuador