Ilhuicamina: Musician in Dog Mask Ecuador
oobrien: Stained Glass Window (4101)
Stephen Zozaya: Hosmer's Skink (Egernia hosmeri)
firooz_t: Qashqai Wedding, Aqdash- Semirom, Iran
cramsay23: Qashqai woman
Lauras Eye: Sad Little Girl
Lauras Eye: Girl with Trash
PedanticSage: Afghan children and me(!) on an old Soviet tank
Stephen Zozaya: Spencer's Monitor (Varanus spenceri)
Norman Grant: Caucasian Karabakh wool carpet rug
WildImages: 06230-01318 Suricate group standing by burrow before going to forage (Suricata suricatta)
Carpetblogger: zhitomir2
Carpetblogger: yuri gagarin