Randy Shelton: Canal in Suzhou
Randy Shelton: A Nasturtium, aka Tropaeolum
Randy Shelton: Here's looking at you kid
Randy Shelton: A Nasturtium, aka Tropaeolum
Randy Shelton: Garlic 2006 Back
Randy Shelton: IMG_1576c
Randy Shelton: My dumpr
Randy Shelton: Squished Squash
Randy Shelton: Cactus flower
Randy Shelton: Flower dumpr
Randy Shelton: Another intresting Tulip
Randy Shelton: Hay Baby Look At Me
Randy Shelton: My favorite bird
Randy Shelton: Yellow something
Randy Shelton: Mother and Baby 2
Randy Shelton: Cracked Window
Randy Shelton: Bridge Over Still Waters
Randy Shelton: Blue Dragon Fly
Randy Shelton: Are you looking at me?
Randy Shelton: Charcoal Drop
Randy Shelton: I've got better
Randy Shelton: Here Duckie Duckie Duckie
Randy Shelton: Lamb's Ear
Randy Shelton: Lamb's Ear
Randy Shelton: Soring 2
Randy Shelton: Splash Down 3
Randy Shelton: Splash Down 1
Randy Shelton: Coming in for the landing