randomstring: Selfie
randomstring: Good day for a ride. Stanford Dish and Mt. Diablo in the background.
randomstring: New(ish) kit day. @_superdomestik
randomstring: Well there's your problem.
randomstring: Tony Stark drives a Tesla?
randomstring: Burrito time
randomstring: Got to hold an iguana today!
randomstring: Pokemon is a thought virus transmitted via 6th graders.
randomstring: Last one. Ride every road Las Altos Hills
randomstring: Lego selfie
randomstring: At my favorite Taqueria: Mi Ranchito. It's Burrito O'clock.
randomstring: Time to go home.
randomstring: upload
randomstring: Chess game versus my son. Every time I win, I start the next game with one fewer pieces. Thankfully I lost this game and get a knight back next game!
randomstring: Ford Anglia
randomstring: New kit day. @_superdomestik
randomstring: Fun with dry ice. #science #dads rule
randomstring: Landing at Half Moon Bay on the simulator
randomstring: San Jose
randomstring: upload
randomstring: upload
randomstring: upload
randomstring: upload
randomstring: Skyline
randomstring: Updated!
randomstring: 8th birthday.
randomstring: Finished #RER Sunnyvale!
randomstring: Advent calendar going up. Is it December already?
randomstring: "New Brakes!"
randomstring: How many spare brake pads are enough?