randomidea: Waiting
randomidea: More waiting
randomidea: Thumbs up
randomidea: Getting started
randomidea: Are we there yet?
randomidea: Skunk cabbage starts early
randomidea: Hiking is very tiring
randomidea: All smiles
randomidea: Heavy snow
randomidea: Only half way there?!?
randomidea: My friend, Mt. Alfred
randomidea: No mosquitoes up here...
randomidea: Down the ridge
randomidea: Top of canada ridge
randomidea: The best mountains make their own weather
randomidea: Almost there
randomidea: Behind Emma Lake Cabin
randomidea: Emma Lake Cabin
randomidea: The Outhouse
randomidea: More of my favourite mountains
randomidea: Tough little trees...
randomidea: "I'll just close my eyes and see what happens"
randomidea: Stove starting attempt
randomidea: Fueling up for the hike down
randomidea: Cold snow is cold
randomidea: Bundled up
randomidea: This is fun!
randomidea: Ladies head home
randomidea: Maria Lake
randomidea: Nice light over Mt. Alfred