randomidea: more dubious food
randomidea: on our way to Okinawa
randomidea: car rental trap
randomidea: seeds
randomidea: shiny leaves
randomidea: some kind of fruit
randomidea: there's a railing for a reason
randomidea: waves breaking on the reef
randomidea: shells hanging
randomidea: finally at the beach
randomidea: urchin shell
randomidea: the weather gets a bit grey
randomidea: trees on the shore
randomidea: pineapple fields forever
randomidea: road trip
randomidea: north on the main island
randomidea: 300 metres of cliff to the ocean
randomidea: north end of okinawa island
randomidea: may peace prevail on earth
randomidea: against the blue sky
randomidea: sand bath
randomidea: feline street entertainer
randomidea: かわいそう。
randomidea: tropical island
randomidea: beach in front of the hotel
randomidea: late afternoon beach
randomidea: almost sunset
randomidea: sunset over the sugar canes
randomidea: lobster restaurant
randomidea: corral beach