randomidea: ninja placemat
randomidea: bricks
randomidea: garden wall
randomidea: red leaves
randomidea: fire flower
randomidea: radial
randomidea: shiny leaves
randomidea: green in the noon sun
randomidea: IMG_0809
randomidea: seeds
randomidea: some kind of fruit
randomidea: ivy on an old house
randomidea: P1170919
randomidea: P1220003
randomidea: sand and sea foam
randomidea: musical trees
randomidea: mountains in the wood
randomidea: P1240216
randomidea: bark
randomidea: IMG_0807
randomidea: tree bark
randomidea: swirly boulder
randomidea: pretty plants
randomidea: leaves in the ceiling
randomidea: Lines in the sand
randomidea: P1210768
randomidea: reaching for the sky
randomidea: P1210774
randomidea: zen garden