randomgoodness: Oh hai, michigan. You smell nicest of all.
randomgoodness: This might be little excessive, Illinois. 'We card under 90.'
randomgoodness: If you're ever in need of a place to eat between Little Rock and Texarkana on I-30, go to Dos Loco Gringos. #sotasty
randomgoodness: On our way home, through the dark fog. #fb
randomgoodness: What kind of breakfast taco do you want?
randomgoodness: My cousin Jeff. Definitely too sexy for his shirt.
randomgoodness: I have to say, I appreciate the combining of an agressive statement with the softer hearts-as-eye-sockets touch. #fb
randomgoodness: Poor young one with a broken leg clearly wants to be out there. I feel for her. #fb
randomgoodness: This is an absolutely beautiful gym. We're watching the 5-8 y.o.'s practice volleyball.
randomgoodness: How did @aniking and I not go to this school?
randomgoodness: Homemade enchiladas for dinner?! Heeeellll yes. I love winter in texas. #fb
randomgoodness: I love winter in Texas.
randomgoodness: I love winter in texas.
randomgoodness: Obligatory #boredinthecar picture.
randomgoodness: Every time I see a sign like this I sigh. I'm far less likely to buy, if I can't look first.
randomgoodness: IMG_1349
randomgoodness: IMG_1350