randomgoodness: license plates: dosido
randomgoodness: mileage tracker.
randomgoodness: mileage tracker
randomgoodness: random, on the way to flint.
randomgoodness: random, on the way to flint.
randomgoodness: random, on the way to flint.
randomgoodness: random, on the way to flint.
randomgoodness: random, on the way to flint.
randomgoodness: belgium.hooooooboken
randomgoodness: Ferrari in Lansing
randomgoodness: Say helllooo to tessa. She is my new mode of transportation.
randomgoodness: IMG00196.jpg
randomgoodness: Recoded for future reference: milage on Tessa.
randomgoodness: Yay michigan!
randomgoodness: I really do love this car.
randomgoodness: 1014081837
randomgoodness: This place is so cute.
randomgoodness: IMG_0057
randomgoodness: IMG_0061
randomgoodness: IMG_0066
randomgoodness: Jesus is... a honda?
randomgoodness: License plate: OOHSNAP
randomgoodness: It was beautiful, even if slightly clouded. I love this lake.
randomgoodness: There's a giant fish in this town.
randomgoodness: in our search for garage sales, we happened onto a car show.
randomgoodness: A. As in, one. You know.
randomgoodness: Friday, I think you might be conspiring to make me unhappy.
randomgoodness: I... some steroetypes are based in reality.
randomgoodness: This struck a chord this morning. #fb