randomgoodness: Buddy and Amber
randomgoodness: Amber getting attacked by barb
randomgoodness: Buddy and Amber
randomgoodness: Buddy and Amber
randomgoodness: Buddy and Amber
randomgoodness: Buddy and Amber
randomgoodness: buddy 05.09
randomgoodness: My puppy is laying on the bed, watching the squirrels play in the tree outside my window.
randomgoodness: Flikr to twitter test.
randomgoodness: lansing.buddy
randomgoodness: noIwillnotlookatyou.
randomgoodness: buddy walk, fall 09
randomgoodness: buddy walk, fall 09
randomgoodness: buddy walk, fall 09
randomgoodness: buddy walk, fall 09
randomgoodness: boo & cocoa
randomgoodness: boo_cocoa
randomgoodness: my guard dog.
randomgoodness: The best face to greet you, as you get home. #lovemydog #fb