The lens profile: Lydith bubbles
The lens profile: close up bocateh
The lens profile: Analog cat
The lens profile: La Trappe Blonde
The lens profile: Dolly Portrait
The lens profile: Canned Bokeh
The lens profile: Tension
The lens profile: Choclate beer
The lens profile: Bokeh balls
The lens profile: Butterfly Bush
The lens profile: times 2 56mm bokeh
The lens profile: Bokehplan
The lens profile: Bokehplan
The lens profile: Flowery Fence
The lens profile: Bokeh 5.6
The lens profile: Bokeh 3.5
The lens profile: Street weed
The lens profile: Bokeh balls
The lens profile: Close Bokeh
The lens profile: Butterfly bush
The lens profile: Bokeh ball
The lens profile: Day Lily
The lens profile: Throw in your waste
The lens profile: Not even near infinity focus.....
The lens profile: Close up bokeh
The lens profile: Yellow & Red
The lens profile: Tough Kitty
The lens profile: Suspicious kitty