Random Michelle: What is this supposed to be? Inherited from a grandparent. Michael's suggestion: reindeer egg
Random Michelle: Best coworker ever is back
Random Michelle: I really really hope these things are not related
Random Michelle: 200% Complete
Random Michelle: Apple crisp ready to go into the oven.
Random Michelle: What IS this?
Random Michelle: Best coworker ever is happy
Random Michelle: Anyone want some unattractive but delicious chocolate zucchini cupcakes
Random Michelle: SURPRISE Rapids
Random Michelle: OMG! I'm A WINNER!!
Random Michelle: 17777!
Random Michelle: Happy birthday Janiece!!
Random Michelle: AH HA HA HA
Random Michelle: Plotting?
Random Michelle: Best coworker is back!
Random Michelle: Backups for old but really expensive equipment.
Random Michelle: Extremely Random Flower
Random Michelle: Happy birthday Tania!!
Random Michelle: Happy birthday Tania!
Random Michelle: Happy birthday Tania!!
Random Michelle: Best new coworker ever!
Random Michelle: What the...? Mutant basil. Yikes.
Random Michelle: How to dress for the sun.. Everything is UPF 50.
Random Michelle: Michael : Those aren't mini chips they are micro chips Michelle : They're not for your computer Michael : you mean they won't speed up my disk drive?
Random Michelle: Nom Nom Nom
Random Michelle: Easily amused...
Random Michelle: Guess who has the office to herself...
Random Michelle: Luckily, Michael is driving, so we shan't get ticketed.
Random Michelle: 30 down, 21 left to go. (Then I'll start pinning National Parks and Forests.)