randi rivers: ashleigh's red cup
randi rivers: Chin...one of my favorite grad assistants. ever :)
randi rivers: Chinese Characters in Peter's little Book
randi rivers: Peter Wood and Ziaoying Yu compare notes
randi rivers: windy day
randi rivers: pixie with ear protection
randi rivers: bald guys rock
randi rivers: go ahead... make my day!
randi rivers: Shelby with Umbrella
randi rivers: The Walkers
randi rivers: too high for me!
randi rivers: full metal jacket ejection
randi rivers: cypress
randi rivers: tanner trying to make sense of the map and me in my cowboy hat being all plump-ly as we're checking out sea world in san antonio in 2006. see a pattern?
randi rivers: protea magnifica - Queen Protea
randi rivers: Joseph with Christina - Winner - Street Class Mud-Boggers
randi rivers: videographer
randi rivers: more essential mud bogging elements
randi rivers: it was a beautiful day!
randi rivers: ashleigh
randi rivers: in my rock garden
randi rivers: Billy McClaren - a damn fine musician
randi rivers: perspective
randi rivers: me - kickin' around with spiffy cool red boots
randi rivers: havin' a good time at chips
randi rivers: smokey
randi rivers: my pretty girl
randi rivers: Texas Boys... who've since quit smoking. YAY!
randi rivers: my turn for the camera!