Ranchita Vida: A View of the Crags from Cameron Pass
Ranchita Vida: Lisa on the Ditch Hike
Ranchita Vida: Indian Paintbrush along the Irrigation Ditch
Ranchita Vida: Restored Ranger Cabin
Ranchita Vida: Beautiful View
Ranchita Vida: Jake and Lisa
Ranchita Vida: View from the hike along the irrigation ditch atop Cameron Pass, Colorado
Ranchita Vida: Water Pipe
Ranchita Vida: Water Pipe
Ranchita Vida: Old Water Pipe Along Irrigation Ditch Atop Cameron Pass
Ranchita Vida: Lisa at Base of Crags' Talus Slope
Ranchita Vida: 100-Year-Old Wooden Pipe
Ranchita Vida: The Pipe near the Source
Ranchita Vida: HydroMan and the Pipe
Ranchita Vida: Lisa on top of the Head Gate
Ranchita Vida: Lake Agnes
Ranchita Vida: Lake Agnes Below Nokhu Crags
Ranchita Vida: Jake's Dip in Lake Agnes
Ranchita Vida: Jake's Dip in Lake Agnes
Ranchita Vida: Jake at Lake Agnes
Ranchita Vida: Jake and Lisa at Lake Agnes
Ranchita Vida: The Crags
Ranchita Vida: Jake Barely Making it to the Car
Ranchita Vida: Post Hike Restorative Aids -- beer, cookies, and Advil
Ranchita Vida: Lisa's neat side of tent
Ranchita Vida: Jake's messy side of the tent
Ranchita Vida: Snow in August!
Ranchita Vida: Camping Below Nokhu Crags