RamyaB: When cupid's arrow strikes..
RamyaB: Drop dead gorgeous
RamyaB: You are the light, when I close my eyes...
RamyaB: Right here, awaiting you..
RamyaB: That gentle smile....
RamyaB: Colorful
RamyaB: I AM!
RamyaB: Black&White Orange
RamyaB: twinkle star :P
RamyaB: For she dreams with her eyes open..
RamyaB: That's me
RamyaB: Silhouette
RamyaB: Eyes speaking everything
RamyaB: A smile is powerful enough to brighten utter darkness
RamyaB: Face-off
RamyaB: Li'l princess sunshine.
RamyaB: Row row row a boat, gently down the stream...
RamyaB: FIshing for a living
RamyaB: Awaiting eyes
RamyaB: Precious
RamyaB: joy unADULTerated
RamyaB: Little miss sunshine
RamyaB: smile is a curve that sets everything stRaIGHT!
RamyaB: Jumping Jean James Joseph.. :P
RamyaB: 'wish' pots!
RamyaB: Your smile- This is why I can never be angry with you!
RamyaB: Miss you
RamyaB: Its a beautiful day everyday
RamyaB: Laugh- that's the way to live.
RamyaB: Make sure your life is worth watching when it flashes before your eyes.