uramsing: Kauai Cathedrals - DSC_2552
uramsing: Riverside Avenue - DSC_3711
uramsing: Pretty as a Detail - DSC_1013
uramsing: Summer = Rain - DSC_1177
uramsing: Vacation Guests - DSC_5861
uramsing: Shade - DSC_1778
uramsing: The Rain Came - DSC_2461
uramsing: DSC_6318 - Autumn Birds
uramsing: Strib Lighthouse - DSC_7354
uramsing: Fredericia Dolphins - DSC_7144
uramsing: Summer Memories - DSC_7913
uramsing: The Hamlet - DSC_8603
uramsing: Morning Thaw - DSC_8894
uramsing: Frost - DSC_8906
uramsing: Autumn Leaves - DSC_3056
uramsing: Elsinore Gate Window - DSC_3649crop
uramsing: Elsinore Battlements - DSC_3703
uramsing: Further away - P2160421
uramsing: Spring - DSC_5930
uramsing: Silent Night - DSC_7907
uramsing: Venice Laundry - DSC_8028
uramsing: Running Water? - DSC_8742
uramsing: Steep Ascend 3 of 3 - DSC_8810
uramsing: Ray of Light - DSC_9930
uramsing: The Northern Shore - DSC_0456
uramsing: Rock On - DSC_0723
uramsing: Forrest Leaves - DSC_1084
uramsing: Leaving Jaungyde - DSC_1086
uramsing: Fall Growth - DSC_1106
uramsing: Road to the Lake - DSC_2117