Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge & Sage Music Centre
Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Ramsay: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Ramsay: The Sage Music Centre
Ramsay: Dsc01338
Ramsay: The Sage Music Centre
Ramsay: The Sage Music Centre
Ramsay: Tyne Bridge
Ramsay: Tyne Bridge
Ramsay: Tyne Bridge
Ramsay: Tyne Bridge
Ramsay: Tyne Bridge reflection
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'
Ramsay: The 'Angel of The North'