Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Happy name day to all those who celebrate it today! (Ioana, Ionela, Oana, Ion, Ionut) La multi ani!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Bucharest Christmas Market
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Merry Christmas! Craciun Fericit! Feliz Navidad!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Bucharest Christmas Market, 2013
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Happy name day! La multi ani de Sf. Nicolae!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: The 1st of December - The National Day of Romania - La multi ani, Romania!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Happy name day, Andreea, Andrei!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: The Romanian Athenaeum | Atheneul Roman
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: La multi ani, Bucuresti! Happy anniversary, Bucharest! 555 years
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Then and Now... Happy 555th anniversary, Bucharest!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Flowers, candies and Happy name day!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Romanian Aviation Day
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Ziua Universală a IEI - 24 iunie 2014 / IA Day - June 24th, 2014
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: National Arena, Bucharest - Celebrating the winning of a new trophy - Steaua Bucuresti is Romania's Football Champion for the 25th time
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Celebrating the winning of a new trophy - Steaua Bucuresti is Romania's Football Champion for the 25th time (National Arena, Bucharest)
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Old romanian house - "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum, Bucharest, Romania
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: The 9th of May - Europe Day: The monument of the Founding Fathers of the European Union - Herastrau Park, Bucharest, Romania
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: World Book Day (the 23rd of April) celebrated in Bucharest
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: La multi ani celor care isi sarbatoresc astazi ziua numelui! | Happy name day!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Happy Easter, Flickr friends!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Paste fericit! Happy Easter!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: A wonderful and blessed day (explored #374)
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: La multi ani de Florii!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: World Water Day (the 22nd of March) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Water_Day
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: World Poetry Day (the 21st of March) - Homage to Romania's national poet, Mihai Eminescu
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: The 20th of March - the International Day of Happiness.
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Happy birthday, Bianca!
Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: Memories with a yellow rose