ramesh Iyanswamy: “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
ramesh Iyanswamy: “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
ramesh Iyanswamy: smile & see the world smile back at you.
ramesh Iyanswamy: IMG_9614_tagged
ramesh Iyanswamy: reaching to the top
ramesh Iyanswamy: IMG_9621_tagged
ramesh Iyanswamy: IMG_9622_tagged
ramesh Iyanswamy: IMG_9636_tagged
ramesh Iyanswamy: IMG_9673_tagged
ramesh Iyanswamy: Owners pride , neighbours envy
ramesh Iyanswamy: ahh.....i'm the princess :))
ramesh Iyanswamy: Girls... are born actors :))
ramesh Iyanswamy: Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. ~Rabindranath Tagore
ramesh Iyanswamy: paparazzi....
ramesh Iyanswamy: paparazzi....
ramesh Iyanswamy: IMG_2626
ramesh Iyanswamy: Frozen in joy
ramesh Iyanswamy: Surprised :O
ramesh Iyanswamy: Standing out in the crowd ; Mr. Xing
ramesh Iyanswamy: The 2 sides of a man
ramesh Iyanswamy: Joy is watching other fly
ramesh Iyanswamy: on the Top of their worlds
ramesh Iyanswamy: Bham bole
ramesh Iyanswamy: Splashed
ramesh Iyanswamy: Splashed
ramesh Iyanswamy: bubbles of joy....