DJPegLeg: Julia Christine Liang 1/21/2011
DJPegLeg: Julia Christine Liang with Kristen
DJPegLeg: Julia tries to eat her fist
DJPegLeg: Kristen and Julia
DJPegLeg: Yummy mitten
DJPegLeg: Weighing baby Julia right after birth
DJPegLeg: Julia being cleaned after birth
DJPegLeg: Proud dad holding Julia in the operating room
DJPegLeg: Kairu holding Julia
DJPegLeg: Jenifer got us these flowers in this super cute vase
DJPegLeg: Lovely flowers to brighten up our hospital room
DJPegLeg: Jenifer about to drop her phone on the baby's face
DJPegLeg: Kate and Julia
DJPegLeg: Our friends Kate and Noah
DJPegLeg: Noah and Julia
DJPegLeg: One miiiiiiiiillllllllion dollars...
DJPegLeg: Kristen getting Julia ready to leave the hospital
DJPegLeg: Our tiny tiger going home from the hospital
DJPegLeg: Julia checking out her crib for the first time
DJPegLeg: "Whoa! Is all that artwork mine?"
DJPegLeg: Post swaddle bliss
DJPegLeg: Julia's glamour shot
DJPegLeg: Hey, what's up?
DJPegLeg: James meeting Julia for the first time.
DJPegLeg: Literally, a baby burrito thanks to Jenise and Mike.
DJPegLeg: Activism starts early.
DJPegLeg: Of course any child of mine will have stripey socks
DJPegLeg: Getting ready to go out for a walk
DJPegLeg: Patiently waiting to be changed
DJPegLeg: Hands, touching hands, reaching out, touching me, touching you