Ramble Queen: Short walk to the playground
Ramble Queen: Little playground
Ramble Queen: Playground area
Ramble Queen: Entrance to backyard
Ramble Queen: Front door (it's on the side of the house)
Ramble Queen: Mid-sized room (my future sewing room)
Ramble Queen: Part of master bedroom
Ramble Queen: Master bedroom. . . the sage has to go
Ramble Queen: Top of stairs--I like the shelf
Ramble Queen: Basement entrance
Ramble Queen: Up the hill to the gate
Ramble Queen: One side of backyard
Ramble Queen: Facing out of basement
Ramble Queen: nook in basement. . filled with current owners crap
Ramble Queen: basement rec room
Ramble Queen: Basement rec room (future playroom)
Ramble Queen: Laundry room comes extra fridge, new w/d, closet
Ramble Queen: An extra fridge for us!
Ramble Queen: Puke green color has to go
Ramble Queen: I like the organized pantry
Ramble Queen: part of kitchen
Ramble Queen: View of kitchen from hallway
Ramble Queen: Deck--we get to keep the grill
Ramble Queen: View of entry way from living room
Ramble Queen: back of living room
Ramble Queen: Living room fireplace. I hate the reddish brown color
Ramble Queen: Dining room--the hutch is EXACTLY like my grandma's. Freaky!
Ramble Queen: Dining room--south facing windows
Ramble Queen: View of house from the street