Ralph on and off: 2011-12-23. Zeewolde, Kerkplein.
Ralph on and off: 2011-12-23 Zeewolde, Kerkplein
Ralph on and off: 2011-12-23 Zeewolde, Gelderseweg ter hoogte van gemeentehuis.
Ralph on and off: A Volkswagen Beetle parked in my garden.
Ralph on and off: 2011-12-23 Zeewolde, vanaf Kringloop in de richting van de Spiekweg.
Ralph on and off: Cemetary of Canterbury, UK
Ralph on and off: Livingroom as seen from X-mas tree
Ralph on and off: My second matchbox pinhole camera
Ralph on and off: My second matchbox pinhole camera
Ralph on and off: 2012-06-11 RDG_0022 Matchbox pinhole camera
Ralph on and off: Light Leak
Ralph on and off: 2012-09-24 RVG_8486 MPH f75 Zeewolde