rally.ie and Straight After Crest: Ford Escort 1600 GT Mk1
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: Ford Escort RS2000 Mk1, on the Healy Pass, Cork/Kerry Border, Ireland.
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_102
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_103
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_110
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_119
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_123
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_124
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_126
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_128
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_132
rally.ie and Straight After Crest: 20121020_BD_9999_137