*open*your*eyes: Licht am Ende des Tunnels (einmal etwas anders...)
*open*your*eyes: Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Light at the end of the tunnel.
*open*your*eyes: Le Pont d'Avignon
*open*your*eyes: Brücke mit Spiegelung. Bridge with refelction.
*open*your*eyes: Bridge over quiet water
*open*your*eyes: My London Tube Composition
*open*your*eyes: Black and white reflections.
*open*your*eyes: Die Badende. Bathing beauty.
*open*your*eyes: Perspektive.
*open*your*eyes: Fluchtpunkt 2
*open*your*eyes: Kartenhaus. House of cards.
*open*your*eyes: Beeindruckende Tür. Oder doch ein Fenster? Door or window. Impressive anyway.
*open*your*eyes: Bunte Fensterfront. Colorful windows.
*open*your*eyes: French window.
*open*your*eyes: Stadtansicht. City impression.
*open*your*eyes: Baumhaus...
*open*your*eyes: Ungewöhnliche Fenster. Unusual windows.
*open*your*eyes: Mixed architecture
*open*your*eyes: Felsenkatakomben (2 von 2) in Salzburg, oberhalb des Petersfriedhofs
*open*your*eyes: Felsenkatakomben (1 von2) in Salzburg, oberhalb des Petersfriedhofs
*open*your*eyes: Einzigartige Wohnlage
*open*your*eyes: Abendstimmung an der Salzach
*open*your*eyes: Short trip...
*open*your*eyes: Sunset over Bottrop's Tetraeder
*open*your*eyes: Zeig mir, wo's lang geht. Show me the way.
*open*your*eyes: (Zu-)Neigung. Inclination.
*open*your*eyes: Can you see the other photographer...?
*open*your*eyes: Industriekultur aus Duisburg
*open*your*eyes: Audimax Uni Bochum