Rakel Reds:
in due...
Rakel Reds:
Guggenheim Museum - USA
Rakel Reds:
Brooklyn Bridge - USA
Rakel Reds:
Chrisler Building, NY - USA
Rakel Reds:
HOSTEL (2007 - Thriller)
Rakel Reds:
Rakel Reds:
Shadow, sight from the Empire State Building - USA
Rakel Reds:
Brooklyn Heights - USA
Rakel Reds:
Lower Manhattan - USA
Rakel Reds:
Harlem - USA
Rakel Reds:
Coney Island - USA
Rakel Reds:
Trump's tower - USA
Rakel Reds:
Going for a walk, NY - USA
Rakel Reds:
Atlas, NY - USA
Rakel Reds:
Spectrum V, Ellsworth Kelly (1969), MET, NY - USA
Rakel Reds:
Central Park - USA
Rakel Reds:
Santa Klaus @ Macy's, NY - USA
Rakel Reds:
Columbus Circle - USA
Rakel Reds:
Rakel Reds:
Rakel Reds:
Hollywood Boulevard - Walk of Fame
Rakel Reds:
It's a long, long, long, long, long, long way home
Rakel Reds:
Who's the toughest?
Rakel Reds:
Rakel Reds:
la bella vita
Rakel Reds:
Lone Pine
Rakel Reds:
How nice the weather is today!
Rakel Reds:
Colors of San Francisco
Rakel Reds:
San Francisco by night
Rakel Reds:
Painted Ladies