Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Finished Bases ( so finished to a complete work in self ) then used in Digi Art
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Finished Bases ( so finished to a complete work in self ) then used in Digi Art
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Finished Bases for Digi Art that's already been used in pieces.
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Finished Bases for Digi Art that's already been used in pieces.
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Pop Art Passion Flower
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Finished Bases for Digital Art
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Base strips bubble passion flower
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Base strips bubble passion flower
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: Digital Flower .... Lead edit for further abstraction
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg: This is a base I've made for my next digital art edit. In itself bar upping some lighting and colour details it feels very complete so I thought I'd share it with you all so you can enjoy it too 😊