raised: Building a TRAXX AC2, step 1
raised: Building a TRAXX AC2, step 2
raised: Building a TRAXX AC2, step 2b (failed)
raised: Building a TRAXX AC2, step 3
raised: Building a TRAXX AC2, step 3
raised: Gears
raised: Building a TRAXX AC2, step 4
raised: Traxx AC2 - A New Hope
raised: And again he got a new nose
raised: Frame options
raised: That should do the trick
raised: Almost there
raised: Bricks & Beer
raised: NS Hispeed Fyra Traxx F140 MS2 - 3/4th front view
raised: NS Hispeed Fyra Traxx F140 MS2 - Top view
raised: NS Hispeed Fyra Traxx F140 MS2 - Sideview
raised: NS Hispeed Fyra Traxx F140 MS2 - Frontal view
raised: NS Hispeed Fyra Traxx F140 MS2 - 3/4th view
raised: Red line-up
raised: LLMTC Meeting Arnhem 2021