rainsinger: looking back on mountains
rainsinger: and the roads roll on before you, and there are mountains at your back
rainsinger: teide
rainsinger: a landscape as barren as the moon
rainsinger: sharp shadows, bitter winds
rainsinger: kenny and his sidekick
rainsinger: take us to your leader
rainsinger: the last of the day's light
rainsinger: stepping stones into the sea
rainsinger: drago millenario
rainsinger: the roots of an ancient thing
rainsinger: dragon tree, dragon tree, let down your hair
rainsinger: like something out of a russian fairytale
rainsinger: the woods are lovely, dark and deep
rainsinger: mist and scent of pine
rainsinger: south coast of tenerife by night
rainsinger: sexy thing
rainsinger: the satieted self
rainsinger: more exotic flora
rainsinger: feather-like
rainsinger: spiky!
rainsinger: come hither
rainsinger: intense eyes
rainsinger: sunning self with the other lizards
rainsinger: king of the world
rainsinger: keeping the marriage alive
rainsinger: weaving the waters
rainsinger: synchronised swimming
rainsinger: mother and baby pilot whale
rainsinger: these woods were made for pagans